Garbage to Gardens

The NC Compost Council

Garbage to Gardens

Wrote, Produced, Directed, Filmed, & Edited
The NC Compost Council
The NC Compost Council challenged us with the broad assignment of making a video that teaches kids how to properly divert waste in the cafeteria (liquids, recycling, landfill, and compost). We landed on the idea of trying to create an engaging character - Rasta Rocki - to take the kids through each step of the process. The actress who played Rasta Rocki grew up on her parents regenerative farm in Jamaica, so the role came quite naturally to her. We filmed this video in one day at a local elementary school.
Who >
What >
A short educational video to be shown to kids in schools which are trying to introduce composting into their cafeterias.
Why >
Treating a school's cafeteria as another classroom made immediate sense to us. Asking children to consider where their waste will end up, before it is thrown away, could have a very meaningful impact on our world.
Where >
Waste >
We had to buy some packaged food to populate the kids lunch trays. We composted the organic material and unfortunately had to throw away the packaging.
BTS | Bloopers, Tests, and Stills
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