Go Outside!



Produced, Directed, Filmed, & Edited
Texino, an LA based company making custom camping vans, wanted to make a commercial about how leading a modern day life, constantly surrounded by screens and technology, can be counter productive to overall health. More simply put - we all need to be spending more time in nature. This was a message Boot Scrap could get behind! Texino wrote the script and we executed the project from the opposite coast! We shot our portion in one afternoon and worked with a cinematographer in LA to capture the one shot with the company's product, the van.
Who >
What >
This one minute commercial, designed for a promotional run on Instagram. We delivered the final product in a couple different aspect ratios (16:9. 9:16, & 4:5) so it would fit all their social platforms.
Why >
We believe in the overall mission of the company - to try to get more people outside. It was a chance to promote nature alongside the company's product.
Where >
Waste >
Very simple commercial, nothing was wasted or purchased, except the carbon offsets we purchase with each project.
BTS | Bloopers, Tests, and Stills
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